The hidden wisdom present in the artistic expressions of our ancestors makes me feel the simple, the beautiful and the profound.
I believe that symbols translate beyond words. What makes me believe this is that, unlike a wordthat expresses one or more specific meanings on its own, the symbolcarries within it a hidden worldview.
Here at the LUNAWÍ project, just as our ancient ancestors did, creations are made in an intuitive way. And the intuitive has a direct connection with the dreamlike universe of our subconscious and dreams. Thus, each symbol created expresses a deep meaning behind it — beyond what we can see with the eyes of seeing.
According to occult scholar Helena Blavatsky, each symbol carries with it at least seven chambers of interpretation. This happens precisely because the symbol is born from the unconscious, from what has not yet been revealed to us about ourselves.
Now, bringing a contemporary twist to things, I want to talk about tattoos today. In addition to all the ancestral depth discussed, there is also the current important purpose of getting a tattoo: artistic expression through the skin andthe resumption of autonomy over one's own body — even if unconsciously.
Personalized ornaments created remotely. Ideal for those who want to get a tattoo with me, but are unable to experience the rite in person.
Ideal for those who are creating a new brand with depth or for those who already have a brand and want to bring new power to it.
Intuited and hand-painted symbols to compose and anchor spaces. Ideal for homes and workspaces.